Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bagels and goldfish for breakfast

This morning, Julia and I had the following exchange:

ME: Julia, what would you like on your bagel?
JULIA: Um, a fluffer.
ME: You want a fluffer on your bagel?
JULIA: No, I want a bagel that's a fluffer!

One of the many ways in which her parents have rubbed off on her. (I must point out an earlier exchange Ethan and I had, months ago: ME: Which bagel do you want? ETHAN: That one's fine. ME: Are you sure? These ones have no hole. ETHAN: No, that one's good. ME: Don't you care about fluffers? ETHAN: I care about fluffers! I just don't care about no hole.)

Meanwhile, Madeleine decided to forgo the bagel all together, and instead went into the kitchen cabinet and got herself a little baby bowl, then went to the dining room cupboard, opened it up and pulled out a bag of Goldfish, then sat down on the dining room floor to pour some goldfish into her bowl.

It's amazing how their quiet observation of their parents' speech and behaviors has sunk in so deep...

1 comment:

  1. I know that's crazy - I mean, I can vividly see Ethan coming from the kitchen with his baby bowl and pouring his goldfish in it for breakfast! I can't believe she picked that up!
