So, I can't help but wonder, are other people's kids as weirdly imaginative (and as easily sucked into fantasy pretend world) as mine? Today while Julia was pooping on the potty, she got involved in some made-up game and had to share it with me. "Mommy! Do you want to come see the wise old eye?" "Um... sure," I replied, and Julia flung open the door excitedly, pointing to the little keyhole underneath the doorknob:

"That's the wise old eye. He's a boy," she told me, then pulled the door inward to point to the keyhole on the other side:

"And that's the OTHER wise old eye. She's a girl," she explained.
Lucky for me, it doesn't take much to entertain this kid.
Ah, yes. I can see the long hair on the girl wise eye. Love, Yiayia