The girls and I spent a very long morning at the doctor's office and hospital, since Julia spiked a fever again overnight (after a full day of being fever-free) and spent much of the night kept awake by her wretched-sounding cough. The kids were troopers despite the long waits in various rooms, and after several hours of exams and tests, Julia was diagnosed with croup and possible bronchitis. Luckily, pneumonia was definitely ruled out, so it looks like she should be on the mend before long. Because she was such a good sport about having things poked down her throat, taking off her shirt and holding her breath and standing still for x-rays, and so forth, she received some very exciting rewards from the nurses: three princess stickers (one of which she decided to give to Madeleine, who was curious about dropping things in the waiting room garbage can and threw it away), a lollipop, and two little figurines. She has been excitedly engaged in pretend play with her two figurines since we got home, and has made the following comments about these two guys:

"Mommy, these two are the same. They're kind of like twins. Do you think their shoes are the same? Mommy, they DO have eyes, they're just wearing a mask. I think they're Star Men. It looks like they might be astronauts, because they're wearing suits. Mommy, they think they're brothers, but their mother said they're really girls, because they ARE girls."
With Julia being sick, I have been unable to divide my attention between the two kids as well as I'd like, so Madeleine has had a lot of self-entertaining to do. Thankfully, she has been GREAT about it, whether in the waiting area of the doctor's office or at home. And luckily, she's got Kitty as a fun play-mate so she's not lonely. Today they drove matchbox cars around the dining room together:

Haha what the heck!! Is she teething??