Once the water game had been banned, the girls thought it might be fun to take out every single pot and pan that we own, along with all of our wooden and plastic spoons, and play the drums on the kitchen floor to provide a nice musical ambiance for me. ("Julia, can you play a little quieter? That's really hurting my ears." "Okay. Now it's quieter... now come on, Maddie, let's play LOUD AGAIN!!")

There has been no end to the mischief making today. Not only did Madeleine push one of the little chairs from Julia's art table over to our built-in cupboard, stand on it, pull open the cupboard and grab a box of crackers, then get down on the floor and help herself to a snack, but she also grabbed Julia's banana out of her hand at lunch today and took a big chomp before anyone could stop her. In a more benign moment, earlier in the day she crawled off to the living room, and when I peeked in I saw her sitting snugly in Baby Dashiell's bassinet:

And on a totally unrelated note: during her millionth dumping-out of her Halloween candy and examination of every piece, Julia showed me the following item and exclaimed excitedly, "Look, Mama! I got a COUGH DROP!":

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