Thursday, March 18, 2010

Another two conversations


JULIA: Mom, I said "A-boo!" to Madeleine and she was cracking up!
ME: She loves you, Julia. She thinks you're SO funny.
JULIA: Mom, I bet when you were a baby, Daddy said "A-boo" to you.
ME: Actually, Daddy didn't know me when I was a baby. He was a baby too. But I bet MY Daddy said "A-boo" to me a lot.
JULIA: And what was your Daddy's name?
ME: His name was Gary, but you knew him as Grandpa.
JULIA: (thoughtful for a few seconds.) Mom? And was your mommy still Yia-yia?


Ethan, in an attempt to join in some of Julia's fantasy play, started the following conversation:

ETHAN: Julia, we should give you a different name. How about we call you Esmerelda?
JULIA: (laughing) NO! My name is Julia!
ETHAN: How about Josephine? Or Calliope?
JULIA: No! I'm Julia!
ETHAN: How about we call you Cracky?
JULIA: No, I don't like to be named after my pets.
ETHAN: I know. We can call you Butt Julia.
JULIA: (cracking up.) Butt Julia! Hahahaha! Butt Julia!
ETHAN: Or Bum Julia.
JULIA: That would be funny if I was Bum Julia!
ETHAN: But I don't think we really want to call you that, because we don't want people thinking you're a bum.
JULIA: But I have a bum.
ETHAN: You do? You have a bum?
JULIA: Yes, and you have a bum too!
ETHAN: No, I don't have a bum.
JULIA: Yes you do! You have a bum, because you're my daddy!

1 comment:

  1. Geeze, I am glad to see that she still understands the relationship of Yiayia. It took me years to convince a pair of other kids that I was your mother and that Julia was your daughter! Hahaha.
