Sunday, April 26, 2020

Zoomusic Recital

Last night we got to participate in a "Zoomusic" Recital. 

What is a Zoomusic recital, you might ask?  I find myself desperately wanting to add a second "M" to the title because it sounds like a concert of zoo animal sounds, but we haven't descended that far into savagery yet (despite yesterday's post/video.)

This was a recital that took place using the Zoom conferencing app.  Families from households around the country performed either solo or ensemble works from their living rooms and garages.  We all muted our own microphones while listening to music from other households, unmuting only for applause.  For some reason, though, we Rowes all felt the need to whisper to each other should we need to talk during others' performances.  I guess our concert-attending etiquette continues to hold up even when we're watching on a computer with our mic muted.

This was a great reason for us all to put on real clothes, as we've all been pretty much living in sweatpants, leggings, flannel pj bottoms, and hoodie sweatshirts. 

Look at how nicely we clean up just for a chance to be glimpsed on the computer by a handful of other people!:

We performed two pieces.  The first was a movement of a Bach triosonata for 2 flutes and piano.  Julia, Ethan and I made up the ensemble:

The second piece was something you've heard already if you're a faithful reader of this blog.  The trio I composed of "Speak for the Dead" from "The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance" was our second performance piece, with Madeleine, Julia and I all on flute:

And today, well, we're back in our sweatpants, but at least we got to get glamorous for one night!

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