Thursday, April 16, 2020

New Board Game

Madeleine's obsession with "Keeper of the Lost Cities" is still going strong, and she tapped into her creative talents yesterday to create a KOTLC board game!

Ethan and I were lucky enough to attend the debut of this game and join Madeleine as the first players.  I know it looks complicated, but don't worry: we got a whole run-down on how to play from the creator herself:

The game involved rolling dice and moving our game pieces along various ladders.  If we wound up on a NeverSeen symbol, we had to combine forces with other characters to defeat the NeverSeen.  Some of the various ways in which we unleashed our powers included singing opera, reciting the US states in alphabetical order, singing "My Country 'Tis of Thee," doing lunges, spinning around in circles, and frog-hopping around the living room.

Ethan and Madeleine, frog-hopping in order to unleash their telekinetic powers

Let's just say that we proved too powerful for the NeverSeen and all of our characters managed to beat them and make it to the end of the game board.

Madeleine sure isn't going to let this quarantine hamper her creativity!

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