Saturday, August 24, 2019

Vacation, Day 4

This morning, Ethan and the girls ventured out to buy pastries while I was still asleep.  As an added bonus, Madeleine got some licked by a dog, which made her morning.  After I awoke, we all headed to the beach so that the girls could have more fun in the Mediterranean Sea:

In the afternoon, we took the train to the other end of Nice so that we could visit Parc Phoenix.  Part botanical garden, part zoo, and part art museum, there was something for everyone.  Especially for Madeleine.  As she always is when in the presence of live animals, Madeleine was bursting with delight.  Like, so much so that we would occasionally lose sight of her

MADELEINE: Mommy!  I found some secret pathways!  Come see!  I found this one, and this one...(completely disappearing from view) TURTLES!  Mommy!  Come see!
ME: Okay but where are you?

At another point, while I tried to follow the sound of Madeleine's voice, I found her sprawled on the ground, still chattering.

ME: Did you wipe out?
MADELEINE: Uh, yeah.  So Mommy, I found a really cute creature-
ME: Hang on a minute.  Come over here so I can see if you're okay.

After we had explored the Parc, we took the train back to our area and then walked to dinner.

ME: So Madeleine, what's your favorite part of vacation so far?  Still the Aquarium?
MADELEINE: (definitively) Being licked by the doggie.

When we got to dinner, I made the mistake of going to the bathroom a split second before the waitress appeared.  Don't worry, though.  Ethan managed to tell her in English that he doesn't speak French, then assured her in French that his husband does, just as I arrived back at the table.

The husbands and kids are back at our apartment now and ready to hit the hay!

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