Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Podcast Interruption

Ethan is riding his spin bike and listening to a podcast interview with Elizabeth Warren.  Madeleine is doing her bedtime reading and Julia is galloping before getting ready for swim practice.  As I lay in bed listening to the podcast with Ethan, I suddenly heard our bedroom door slowly opening.

MADELEINE: Daddy?  How do you-
ETHAN: (motioning for Madeleine to wait as he paused the podcast) Okay.  What?
MADELEINE: (coming forward with her Harry Potter book) How do you pronounce this?  Because...the "W" is SILENT, so how do you even...

The passage in question was the stammering of the word "Writing" as Ginny Weasley sobbed.  Madeleine (to be fair, rightly) took issue with the presentation of the stammering as "W-w-w-w-writing."  It totally should have been "Wr-wr-wr-wr-writing."

Julia interpreted this sojourn of Madeleine's into our room as an invitation to join the party, and next thing Ethan knew, both girls were practically on top of his spin bike chattering at him.  His charming response was to loudly and explosively burp in their direction.

ME: Daddy just burped directly at you girls.
JULIA: At least he didn't burp into our mouths.  (Which he infamously did to me once, mid-kiss.)
MADELEINE: You BURP out of your BUTT.
ETHAN: No, you burp out of your mouth.
MADELEINE: (squat-dancing around the bike area) No, you BURP outta your BUTT.  You BURP outta your BUTT.
JULIA: (talking a manic mile a minute) Daddy?  For some reason I have this song stuck in my head: I can't get enough of you baaaby...
ME: Okay.  Girls?  Daddy was kind of listening to a podcast before you all came in.
GIRLS: (chastened, slinking out of the bedroom)

I guess you give an inch and let one of them ask a question about your reading and next thing you  know everybody's feverishly singing and dancing around chanting about burping out of butts.  Room Rowe Parents is closed to visitors!

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