Thursday, December 13, 2018

Select Choir Concert

This evening, Julia had her first full Middle School Select Choir concert.  I was truly stunned by what a mature sound the group made and how lovely they sounded.  I was further surprised to discover Julia had a part in a soli in the middle of a piece by Brahms.  I managed to get my act together and start filming once I realized what was going on:

The choir director had given a little spiel about this piece, called Marienwurmehen, and read us the English translation of the German text.  Clearly, Madeleine paid careful attention, because in the middle of the piece this happened:

MADELEINE: (leaning over to whisper to me) What does this mean in French?

The group ended their concert with a fun piece called African Noel, or, as my devoted blog-reader Lily once thought it went, "Sing We On the Well":

The Middle School Select Band played next, and they were incredibly good for a 6th-8th grade ensemble!  Their final piece was called "The Call of the Wild," and the conductor explained that the composer wrote this as if imagining he was composing the soundtrack to the movie of the eponymous book.  No sooner had the music started than this:

MADELEINE: (leaning over to whisper to me) This sounds like music that belongs in a movie.

At the end of the piece, Madeleine announced, "I think I'm gonna make a movie about that music, because it inspired me!"

At least I can be sure that Madeleine really listened to what the directors had to say and didn't go off onto another mental planet AT ALL.

1 comment:

  1. I guess Madeleine should read The Call of the Wild first, before she writes her movie.
