Sunday, December 16, 2018


Conversation this morning between Madeleine and Auntie Shannon:

MADELEINE: What work were you just doing downstairs?
AUNTIE SHANNON: I was writing up the results of my lab experiments.
MADELEINE: To find a cure for cancer?
MADELEINE: You should make a MEDICINE!
AUNTIE SHANNON: Well, that's kind of what I'm trying to do.
MADELEINE: You should use oil!  You should use soap!  You should use coffee!
AUNTIE SHANNON: Well, coffee is good for fighting cancer.

Madeleine then brought this discussion to me, as I was doing my hair for church.

MADELEINE: Mommy!  Did you know that coffee can cure cancer?
ME: Well, it's an anti-oxidant.
ME: Something that oxidizes.
MADELEINE: Are you just trying to say "accident" with a British accent?

Yup.  That's what I was doing.  Good thing I have Madeleine to keep me on track.  I thought I was talking about oxidizing agents, but luckily I had her there to remind me that I was just doing a dodgy accent.

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