Sunday, December 23, 2018

Christmas Pageant

Today was our church Christmas pageant, and playing the part of the Virgin Mary was none other than Madeleine Rowe!  This was not Madeleine's first time at the Virgin Mary rodeo, however; she was honored with the part back in her preschool pageant.  Luckily, this time, Madeleine did not decide to yell the phrase "POOP DOG!" at the audience like she did back in her pre-K pageant.  In fact, this Virgin Mary was on perfect behavior.  Here's a clip from the performance:

Julia had an important part in the pageant as well: she was a Wise (Wo)Man:

Julia got to carry the gold to Jesus and say: "I give you gold because you are a King."  However, it turns out she really wished she could be the Wise (Wo)Man carrying myrrh?  Why?  "Because I like how the myrrh thingie is shaped."  I guess she really wishes she could be the King who gets these lyrics in "We Three Kings":

Myrrh is mine, his bitter perfume
Breathes a life of gathering gloom
Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying, 
Sealed in a stone-cold tomb.

Speaking of roles played, the most important role of all, that of Baby Jesus, was played by Madeleine's Baby Lily!:

Madeleine planned on bringing Baby Lily because, as she explained, "Last year we had NO JESUS, because everybody thought that SOMEONE ELSE was gonna bring a baby doll!" Thank goodness for Madeleine this year, since no one else brought a Jesus.  Baby Lily played her part flawlessly, or, as Madeleine put it, "She didn't even mind being called Jesus, or having to pretend to be a BOY!"

Bravo to all involved in the production!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, she not only got the lead, she produced a baby as well. GREAT job Madeleine! Julia, you are a wise WoMan! XOXO.
