Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Girls and Their Nonsense

Julia's Irrational Fear Freak-Outs, Part Ten Million:

1.) Running out of her bedroom into Ethan's & my room at bedtime.

JULIA: What's wrong with the heater?  It's making a clicking sound!
ETHAN AND I: It's fine.
JULIA: But it's making a clicking sound!  What if is causes an EXPLOSION??
ETHAN AND I: It won't.
JULIA: But why is it making that sound?
ETHAN AND I: It's totally normal.  Go back to bed.
JULIA: (inching slowly out of the door frame and closing the door in glacially slow increments)
ETHAN AND I: Go to bed!!
JULIA: (closing the door and scampering off)

2.) Ethan and I were goofing around while watching tv, singing made-up lyrics to the theme music.

JULIA: (bursting into our bedroom)
ME: It's just us.  We're singing.  Go back to bed.
JULIA: (with relief) Oh!  I thought it was MURDEROUS CLOWNS.

3.) Julia freaks out for no explicable reason while watching "Kids Baking Championship" with her sister and aunt.

JULIA: What's happening right now?!?  What's that?!?
EVERYONE ELSE: Why?  What are you noticing?
JULIA: What's HAPPENING?  Is something wrong?  What's going on?!?
EVERYONE ELSE: What are you talking about?
JULIA: (running upstairs in panic) IS SOMETHING WRONG?
ME: Nobody sees or hears anything so we don't know what you're talking about.
ME: What do you mean?
JULIA: I don't know!  Something seems WRONG!
ME: Like what?
ME: Uhhh...???

Julia then went into the safety of her bedroom and missed the end of "Kids Baking Championship."  I still have no idea what sent her into her tailspin of anxiety.

At least Julia is not the only one who seems to be spouting gibberish at times.  Madeleine was telling me about her big conundrum last night, and I'm not sure I get what the problem is.

MADELEINE: Mommy?  I'm *really* on a writing kick lately!
ME: I know, I've noticed.
MADELEINE: And I'm on a naming kick.  Like, I mean, NAMES for books I'm writing.  Like, I mean, the name OF the book, AND the names for the characters.
ME: I always loved coming up with character names when I would write stories.
MADELEINE: And Mommy?  The bad thing it: sometimes I come up with a name I want to use for my book, but then I get inspired by something else, and I get DISAPPOINTED.
ME: Oh?
MADELEINE: Yeah.  Like, at school, I was going to the bathroom, and I had this idea in my mind about writing a book called "The Blind Girl."  And when I was going to the bathroom I saw this picture of a puppy, and then when I got back to class I was DISAPPOINTED, because I had the idea of making a book called "The Blind Girl."

That's a real problem that makes total sense.

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