Sunday, February 25, 2018

Car-Ride Discussion

On our car ride home from church today, the girls were asking questions about the recent school shooting in Florida and why people are protesting for gun control.  I explained the battle between those who want gun control reform and those who suggest arming teachers or having armed guards at school.

MADELEINE: Wait, Mommy, so what would you do if they said you had to have a gun at preschool?
ME: I would refuse.  I would say I'm not touching a gun.
MADELEINE: Would you quit?
ME: Well, I would refuse, and if they wanted to fire me for that, fine.  But I don't think that will EVER happen where I work, because I don't think anyone there would EVER agree to have guns.
MADELEINE: (after a thoughtful silence) Well Mommy?  If that DOES happen, can you just quit?  Because if you refuse, they might shoot you, and I don't want that to happen.

I guess Madeleine thinks that if arming teachers becomes a thing, it will immediately turn into a dog-eat-dog Hunger Games world where the penalty for pacifism is a shot to the heart.

I then explained about the many protests going on throughout the country, in order to push for gun control, and how if teachers were asked to carry guns, there would likely be even more protests.

MADELEINE: Yeah, Mommy, it's like...I had to EXPLAIN to my teacher that when it's book time on the rug, the SAME kids keep getting to sit in the rocking chair.
ME: (trying to understand the point) Oh yeah?  And what did she say?
MADELEINE: Uh...she said that next time she'll make sure the other kids get a turn.


ME: So...what made you decide to tell me that when we were talking about gun control stuff?
MADELEINE: Oh!  Well, we were talking about PROTESTS, and it was like, I had to PROTEST about all of the SAME kids sitting in the rocking chairs.  And nobody else would complain about it, so I had to be brave and do it!

Hmm.  I'm not sure Madeleine understands what a protest is.  But kudos to her for speaking up about what she sees as injustice!

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