Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Quotes and Conversations

Random things the kids have said over the past few days:

MADELEINE: (getting out of her bed and poking her head into our bedroom as Ethan and I were winding down for the evening)
ME: What's wrong?
MADELEINE: My head feels like it's doing BALLET.

JULIA: (rubbing her eyes while I brushed her hair)
ME: Uh-oh.  I always know you don't like how the brushing feels when I see you start rubbing your eyes.
JULIA: That's because brushing my hair makes my EYES itchy!
ME: I thought it makes your teeth itchy.
JULIA: No!  My TEETH get itchy when you're BLOW-DRYING my hair!

MADELEINE: Mommy?  Do you think the book I wrote will really get to be WORLD FAMOUS?
ME: Hmmm.  I don't know.
MADELEINE: I want to be the MOST FAMOUS PERSON in the world.
ME: Well, it might not be much fun to be the most famous person in the world.  Then you'd never be able to go anywhere without millions of people swarming up to you to ask for your autograph.
MADELEINE: (thoughtful) Wait.  I have an idea.  What if I wear a dress out of the DRESS-UP bin, then nobody would recognize me because it wouldn't be any dresses they recognize from my line-up.
ME: I think even in dress-up clothes, you'd be recognized.
MADELEINE: Okay.  Well.  Then maybe I'll wear like, TONS of make-up, like TOO much make up.  Then I would look really terrible, because it looks terrible when people wear too much make up.  Like, too much LIPSTICK looks so bad, and, like, that SPIKY stuff that makes it look like EYELASHES...
ME: Mascara?
MADELEINE: Yeah.  That looks TERRIBLE.

Driving home from the dentist, with Madeleine holding her big green balloon up to her face and looking through it.
MADELEINE: Do you ever wonder if you're real or not?  I do.
ME: You do??  When?
MADELEINE: Sometimes I get into DEEP THINKING positions.

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