Saturday, October 8, 2016

Madeleine's Vote

I asked Madeleine who she would vote for if she were allowed to.

MADELEINE: Hillary.  Because I think she is good and Mommy and Daddy are going to vote for her. 
ME: And what do you think of Donald Trump?
MADELEINE: I think...I don't really like him, because he's going to build Mexico and the United States.  A wall. 
ME: And why don't you like that idea?
MADELEINE: Because...I don't...well...because, um...THEN THEY HAVE TO CLIMB THE WALL!
ME: And why is it not good to climb the wall?
MADELEINE: They could fall off and kill themselves.
ME: Who would climb it?  The Mexicans or the Americans?
MADELEINE: The Americans!
ME: Is there anything else you don't like about Trump?
MADELEINE: Then they'll HAVE...he'll MAKE them...the Mexicans to pay their charges to not have to climb a wall but um, um, NOT climb the wall.  And that's REALLY MEAN!
ME: And what could Hillary Clinton do to make this country better?
MADELEINE: STOP global warming!
ME: Yeah?  How could she do that?
MADELEINE: By asking the builders if they could make covered wagons!  It would stop pollution by less people using cars.
ME: Is there anything else she should do for this country?
MADELEINE: Yeah...stop the war, maybe?
ME: And how should she do that?  What would you do to stop a war?
MADELEINE: If I were the President?  I would call a meeting with everyone that does the war, and "There shouldn't be a thousand people being killed from the war, so I think, as the President, we should STOP the war."

Has this kid got a total understanding of the way this election, and politics in general, works or what?  Madeleine for President, 2046!

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