Friday, October 14, 2016

Julia's Show

Julia was really proud after school today: she had done such an exemplary job writing her "show" that her teacher had read it aloud to the class.

I was trying to figure out what "show" Julia had written - a tv script?  A play? - but when I looked through her folder I understood.  The assignment read:

"Rewrite this 'tell' so that it is a 'show' (feel free to make up and add extra details):

Tony met his new teacher, Mr. Harold on the first day of school.  They greeted each other and Tony knew his teacher was going to be mean."

Here is Julia's "show":

"Tony stepped gingerly into his new classroom.  Life in Michigan was going to be different than in California.  'Hello, I'm Mr. Harold.  You must be Tony.'  Mr. Harold's cold, dark eyes flashed.  'This school is wonderful, Tony.  I'm not lying!'  Mr. Harold promised.  Tony picked at his reddish-brown hair.  He wanted to say: 'Then why did I just see a mouse?'  But he didn't.  Mr. Harold was a man of lies.  The floorboards creaked as Tony took his seat.  'Now class.'  Mr. Harold began.  'If you get an answer wrong, detention!'  Tony was not going to like this year."

She sure did fee free to make up and add extra details!  We even know where Tony just moved from, and what color his hair is, and that there's a mouse in the classroom. 

As I sat discussing this with Julia this evening, Madeleine decided to butt in and ask TOTALLY relevant questions.

ME: Did the class think your "show" was good?
JULIA: Yeah...some people laughed at the "detention" part!
MADELEINE: But MOMMY!  What about "B math??"
ME: Well, I'm proud of you, Julia!  You did a really good job.
MADELEINE: But Moooommy!  What about "B math?"
ME: What?
MADELEINE: What about - Oh!  I mean...but Julia!  What about "B math?"  I mean!  Wait.  Julia.  What about "A math?"

I have know idea about "A math," nor about "B math," and I certainly don't understand what that has to do with Julia's "show," but since it turned out the question wasn't actually supposed to be addressed to me, I guess I'm off the hook!

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