Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Madeleine's Rules for Monkey Bar Success

Despite the fact that it was raining after school today, Madeleine was still game to try the monkey bars while we waited for Julia's class to be dismissed.  Since kindergarten gets dismissed five minutes before the older grades, Madeleine and a fellow kindergartener took a go at monkeying their way across the slippery bars.  Much hilarity ensued as each girl lost her grip at unexpected times and went plummeting to the ground, and as time went on, the girls hammed up their falls with loud, crazy screaming.

Madeleine made it nearly all the way across on her last try, and as we walked home, she told me the secret to her success.

MADELEINE: Okay. Mama.  You wanna know how I can do the monkey bars in the RAIN?  Here's what you have to do.  Number one is: Try to get a good grip.  Number TWO is: try to have fun and you'll make it almost all the way.  Number THREE is: try to BELIEVE in yourself.  And number four is: on the LAST one, just try to believe that you can do it, and just try to BELIEVE in yourself, and you'll get a good grip and you can make it all the way!

Wow.  Those rules for ensuring success are so poignant that I think we should all apply them to every aspect of life.  From now on, I'm going to just TRY to believe in myself and I *know* I'll make it all the way in everything I do!

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