Friday, May 9, 2014

The Aldin Days

Julia continues on with her obsession over the "aldin" days.  And I recently found out that it doesn't take much, in her eyes, for a time period to be categorized as the olden days.

JULIA: Mom?  What did I used to do when I crawled again?  Did I have both hands down but only one knee down?
ME: Yes, you would keep one foot in the ground and push off of that foot. 
JULIA: (giggling) What did I look like?
ME: Well, we have videos of you crawling, so maybe we can watch them some time.  We'd need Daddy to hook up the old camera though.  When you were born, people didn't have cell phones that could take videos and connect to the internet, so we had an actual video camera with mini-discs in it.
JULIA: (in fascinated delight) Reeeally?  You couldn't take videos with cell phones??  Mom!  Do you know why I'm so excited to hear that?  Because, like, it reminds me of the OLDEN days.  So, like, when I was born, it was like the olden days because people just had cell phones like the kind you flip open and just use to call people??
ME: Right. You couldn't, like, check your email on your phone and stuff yet.
JULIA:  Wait.  Mommy?  Should I share that at school tomorrow?
ME: Uh...if you want.
JULIA: Well, maybe the other kids wouldn't think it's that interesting. Because not everybody is that into the olden days like I am.  Wait!  Mommy!  I think I know why cell phones didn't do videos yet.  Because it was, like, back in the EARLY 2000s when I was born!

Yes, 2006, light years ago.  The olden days, for sure.

Julia's brain then apparently turned into mush from the overstimulating topic of the olden days, because the rest of our conversation consisted of her randomly sighing, "Olden days.  Mommy?  OLDEN days."

Madeleine has her own idea of the olden days, as well.  She and Julia recently discovered an earlier version of "My Little Pony" on Netflix Kids.  In my opinion, this version is SOOOO stupid compared to the pretty cool current day "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic," but Madeleine disagrees. Lately, it's all she wants to watch.

MADELEINE: Mommy?  Can I watch the "My Little Pony" that's in the OLDEN days?  Like, from when you were little?

In this case, the olden days would be circa 1986.  MORE of an olden time than 2006, but, still, in the grand scheme of things, not that long ago.  I mean, kids: if it was really the olden days, neither television shows nor any sort of video camera would exist yet.

Now, to switch gears from the olden days, I will end this blog post with a conversation Madeleine and I had this morning.  Some of you may have ARDERY seen it on facebook, but for those facebook-shunners, I will repost it here:

ME: Madeleine, do you know I love you?
ME: Oh. Should I not tell you so much?
MADELEINE: No, you should. (thoughtful) Well Mama. Maybe you should, like, only tell me on SATURDAYS.
So that's that, readers.  From now on, I must contain my endearments until the end of the week.  It's a good thing that tomorrow is Saturday, because I only have to wait one more day until I can tell Madeleine that I love her.  And by tomorrow, maybe she'll have forgotten her "only on Saturdays" condition, because who knows?  Today might feel like the olden days by the time tomorrow rolls around!

1 comment:

  1. That olden days My Little Pony is terrible. Come on guys. And also, uh, Auntie Shannon, in 2014, has only a phone that flips open and calls people!!!!!
