Friday, April 19, 2013

Julia's Newest Book

With all the scary news and events following the Boston Marathon bombing, I couldn't have been more grateful for a new Julia book to put my mind on innocent things. 

And what better book could she have ever made than this one:

I'm not sure what the significance of the orange circle with a letter "N" inside is, but I'm definitely digging the title and the fact that Julia decided to write about all the speshle things that moms do.

Wait until you hear all of the commendations she heaps on me and on moms in general, starting with this one:

She nailed it.  I mean, that truly is speshle.  Without moms to hep trn off the lites, kids would be stuck sleeping in a brightly lit room at night.  I give myself a laudatory pat on the back for my role in heping Julia trn off lites.

Then there's this one:
That's right!  I am speshle becas I opin dors for her.  What would she do without me to opin doors for her?  Opin them herself?  Come on, what kind of mother do you think I am?  I'm loving this praise.  Keep it comin'!

Well, I do sometimes get Julia long soxs, but she refuses to wear them, because she doesn't look GOOD in long soxs and she only likes to wear ankle soxs.  But I appreciate the fact that she is acknowledging my effort to get her long soxs even if she doesn't want to wear them.  Thanks, kid.  That means a lot.

Now, I must admit, I have never wokd on stils in my entire life, so I can't take credit for this one.  I guess the green-faced kid with spikes coming out of his head must wok on stils with his green-faced, spiky-headed mom.  Definitely not an activity I have done with Julia, though.

I did, in fact, let Julia have long flowing hare for a long time, and I also let her cut it to her shoulders when she got sick of it being so long and flowing.  So - hooray for me!

Now, for a few pages that are somewhat more relevant to my particular interactions with Julia:
I most definitely do hlep Julia do her home wrok.  I don't usually have porcupine quills coming out of my head while I'm doing it, but other than that, this page is pretty spot on.

I would say that her swimm teachers are more to credit for hleping her swimm, but I certainly have hleped her to practice the swimming techniques she has learned in lessons, so I'll take the praise on this one.

Now, you've heard the videos.  Julia doesn't really need any hlep singing.  Bursting into made-up song seems to be innate for her.  But I'd like to think that the fact that I have been singing to her and in front of her since she was an infant has at least something to do with such creative masterpieces as "What Kind of Path Do You Take?: Usually Straight" and "A Cutie Mark Makes Your Macaroni."

Again, true.  I do let her do jimnastx.  I even let her be Sierra and let Madeleine be McKenna and allow them to thump around the house like graceless elephants.

This one might be my favorite sentiment of all.  I'm not *really* sure why we're wearing hats like Buckingham Palace guards, however.

And the final page just sums it all up perfectly:


Thanks, Julia!  Just what I needed to brighten my mood!  And, you know, I happen to think you're pretty darn speshle, too.


  1. Mira sings awesome made-up songs, too, but I'm not very good at documenting them. Love reading about your entertaining children!

  2. Just like we all love are speshel mom!

    I have to say, I think you're a particularly good mother as well due to the fact that you get the girls long socks and walk on stilts with them.
