Sunday, August 5, 2012


Julia and Madeleine decided to dress as twins today, and words cannot describe the delight they took in their matching outfits:

Now, lest you think they are *actual* twins, I can offer proof, presented to me by both kids, that they are not in fact truly identical.  Julia, who does not like to wear jeans either as pants or shorts, opted for her jean skirt in order to match Madeleine's outfit.  Knowing that Madeleine wants to emulate every single tiny element of her big sister's life, Julia of course felt the need to point out the difference of outfit in a not-so-subtle whisper.

JULIA: (loudly whispering) Mommy, because I don't have any jean shorts, I just...
ME: Yes, I see.  I know.
JULIA: (whispering even louder) Yeah, I just got my...
ME: I see it.  I know.  Shh.  You don't have to say it.
JULIA: (talking over me) So I just decided to wear my jean skirt-
ME: Yup.  I see it.
JULIA: Yeah, because I just got my jean skirt but I'm whispering so Madeleine doesn't hear because then she'll want a skirt too.

Good job, Julia.

So, you see, the fact that their bottoms are not quite the same proves that they're not truly twins.  Furthermore, Madeleine would certainly never let anyone confuse her for her sister.  Madeleine still adamantly stands by the idea that she is NOT a big girl, that only Julia is a big girl, and that Madeleine herself is a little girl.  In fact, Madeleine gave Ethan a whole lecture on the subject while we were on vacation:

ETHAN: (driving, glancing into the rearview mirror at the kids)  Madeleine, look how tan you are.  You're definitely a little Mediterranean girl.  And Julia, you're really a little Anglican girl.
MADELEINE: No, Daddy, Julia is NOT little, she's just big, she's NOT little, Julia is just a BIG GIRL.
ETHAN: Oh, I'm sorry.  Julia, you're really a BIG Anglican girl.

And heaven forbid any of us refer to Madeleine as a big girl.  She does NOT see it as a compliment.

ME: Madeleine, look at you sitting on the potty with no potty seat!  You're such a big girl!
MADELEINE: (vehemently) No, I am't.

(And by am't, she means to say "am not," which begs the question: why isn't "am't" a valid contraction??)

At any rate, the twins who are not really twins were so delighted over their outfits that they begged to wake Daddy up and show him.  I was able to hold them off until about 9:20am, then poor Ethan was bombarded by two red-shirted goofballs climbing all over his bed.

In other news, now that we are back home, Julia has resumed her hand-made book production, coming out with a brand new novel this afternoon.  Be ready for what may be her best seller yet: PIANO LOWE.  Whoops.  Uh, I mean, PIANO LOVE.  (Thanks to her handy editor, the mistake was caught and corrected before the book was released):

 Piano Love

 The piano love Splenda.

The cookies love Splenda.

The Barbie love Splenda.

Wow.  Now that's some poignant stuff.  Although I do wonder about the title.  Perhaps "Splenda Love" would be more fitting?

Now the twins are happily camped out on the couch, watching one of their favorite episodes of "My Little Pony,":

and I am off to get myself some afternoon coffee, with Splenda, of course, because this mommy LOVE Splenda.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Courtney. I just want to rip Julia's head off at how cute that book is.

    And I love that last picture of them on the couch. Those little sweethearts(*Q#&*@(#^$*&@#%
