Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Random Association

Madeleine has been Miss Random Association today, beginning with a chant she made up this morning in a similar style to "Arf.  Arf.  Arf and arf."  This time, however, her chant was whispered, and was about body parts rather than animal sounds.  I kid you not, she stood in the kitchen and whisper-chanted rhythmically: "Lips and vagina and a labia, too!"  I'm so glad this was carried out in our own house rather than on the pool grounds as "Arf and arf" had been.  (Which isn't to say my kids haven't already loudly shown off their random quirks at the pool.  Yesterday, in a goofy attempt to capture the attention of Julia's two swim teachers, who happened to be life-guarding, the kids were full of exclamations of things like "QUAW-QUEE CLARK!" and the even more random "MOUNT WASHINGTON PENGUINS!") 

Later on today, as we sat watching Julia's swim lesson, Madeleine suddenly turned to me and informed me, "Mommy, lifeguards are VISIBLE." 

I couldn't argue with her there.

She then proceeded to dig in the sand, making what she referred to as "a BIG MOUNTAIN!", which was really just a sand pile slightly larger than an anthill.  Nonetheless, she was super excited over her big mountain, especially because it was more than just a mountain.  "Mommy, I made a BIG MOUNTAIN!  It's... a PARTY!  And... DIRT is even invited to the party!"

Man, it must be the most happening party ever.  Who *doesn't* want to be at a party that dirt is attending??

I did not get a picture of her mountain-slash-party, but I did get a few peanut-butter-sandwich eating photos shortly before the dirt party began.  You can see by her exuberance and enthusiasm alone that Madeleine was the true life of the party, giving dirt a hearty run for its money:

Party on, Quaw-Quee Clark!

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