Monday, October 3, 2011

Madeleine Rowe, age 2

In case you're wondering if anything is different now that Madeleine is a big two-year-old, I can assure you she's still the same little girl who loves to sit herself in awkward, unusual, and sometimes downright dangerous places:

And she continues to enjoy wearing costumes of various kinds, especially when it involves being a ballerina along with Julia:

And don't worry, she still provides plenty of verbal entertainment:

MADELEINE: (throwing a ball across the examining room during her 2-year checkup) BOO!
DOCTOR: Good throw!
MADELEINE: Yeah. I scared BALL!

She is, however, showing a bit more progress with her potty training. Or, at least, she started the day off with progress. After a morning of staying dry and going pee on the potty a few times, she then decided to poop in her diaper and continue playing as if unaware of what had happened.

ME: Madeleine, did you poop in your diaper?
ME: Are you sure? I smell poopies.
MADELEINE: Maybe it's Anja's poop. Maybe Anja did poopies.
ME: You think it's Anja's poop, huh? Anja's not here, honey.
MADELEINE: Yeah. It's Anja. UH-OH! I did POOPIES!

On the same topic, but about the other daughter, Julia remains just as Julia-ish as ever. Here is her bath-time creation, the "Great TROPHY of CHINA!":

It was accompanied by a series of dramatic opera arias sung by Ariel, Belle, and the various other bath toys.

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