A trip to Plaster Fun Time, where Julia got to paint a Little Mermaid figurine to keep on her special decoration shelf in her room, and I got to paint a letter "M" to hang in Madeleine's room. Of course, seeing as Plaster Fun Time is in the next town over, getting there entailed a 2+ mile walk through the rain, pushing Julia in the stroller, but she was a great sport about it. Since Ethan was working from home for the day, I was able to leave a napping Madeleine at home and get some one-on-one time with Julia, and when Madeleine awoke she and Daddy came to pick us up and spare us the walk home. We had just about finished our artwork when Ethan and Madeleine came waltzing through the door, Madeleine's face breaking into a radiant smile of delight upon seeing us. Her euphoria was short-lived, unfortunately, as she spotted a Snow White figurine upon the shelves of items to paint, and suddenly realized she had been left out of the fun. "Aunt a Cinderella! A Cindereeellllllaaaa!" she wailed, clutching me around the legs in despair, completely disinterested in her letter M. Figuring she might want a chance to go out and try her own hand at some artistic creations led us to our next outing of the day:
Arts and Crafts hour at the library. Here the girls are making spiders, which Julia took very seriously (counting and double-counting her spider legs to be sure she had 8), while Madeleine took the opportunity to decorate her fingers with glue from the glue stick. Thankfully, despite the relative disinterest in the finished products, Madeleine was thrilled to be included and "allowed" to try out all the art supplies, even if she did have a melt-down because she wanted to try and drink out of the straw that was attached to her star-shaped hand-crafted magic wand.
The girls have continued with their dressing up, with Madeleine maintaining her interest in the astronaut helmet and Julia mixing it up with all different dress-up combinations. Check out her newest look below:
We have also been reading lots and lots of books, or, when I'm feeling too exhausted to continue reading, the girls fill in their own words to go with the pictures. As I lay drowsily fighting off sleep the other day, Madeleine flipped through one of her big picture books, pointing out the various things she saw. I was shaken out of my near-sleep fog by Madeleine saying, "TWUCK! Airpane. Remember? Remember? (tapping me over and over.) Remember a airpane?" I'm so glad the trip has stuck with both girls so deeply even after a week of being home. I think the fact that we were visiting family made it particularly special for all of us.
Tomorrow looks like more rain but at least it's the weekend so I will have my designated driver on hand!! Who knows what kind of outrageous adventures we'll be able to have if we're able to go by car! Stay tuned to find out...
Ugh - more rain for us too. No ice fweem twucks on our future I guess! Hopefully it clears up on Sunday - I'm already going stir crazy!
ReplyDeleteThose pictures of Julesie in the beginning are so adorable. I can't believe how much she's starting to look like a little girl!