Some memorable quotes and moments from our dining experience:
Madeleine, on her dinner: "Mmmmmm! CHICKEN!" (she ate an entire breast and a half.) On her broccoli: "No. Uh-uh." (putting the pieces of broccoli on my plate.)
Julia, on eating a bite of her mac 'n cheese: "Mom, but is there really such a thing as mac 'n?"
Madeleine, on eating a bite of her dessert: "Mmmmm!! Ice fweam TWUCK!"
Some memorable quotes and moments from our trip to Boston:
Julia, skipping along through the Boston Common, oblivious to the people walking around her as she veered in and out of their paths, loudly and exuberantly singing to herself and occasionally yelling things to me like "Mama! I had SO MUCH FUN riding the subway!!"
Madeleine, upon seeing two squirrels scampering around on the walking path in front of us: "Duck!"
Julia, on waiting to see the first of the 12,000 runners in the Corporate Challenge cross the finish line, exhibiting her absolute faith in Ethan, "Mommy, is Daddy gonna be the WINNER??"
After the race the girls and I got to hang out with Ethan while he stretched on the Common. I snapped a photo of Ethan with his gals, and you can see how interested they were in sitting with him and that they were not thinking about how fun it would be to run around in the grass AT ALL:
On our train raid home at around 8:30pm, Madeleine decided that instead of showing her fatigue at being out well past her bedtime she was going to go completely manic and... uh... "entertain" everyone on the train. "Twankle twankle little STAR WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" (laughingly looking around to see which strangers were paying attention to her.) "CHU-CHU CHOO-CHOO Twain is comin' OGAIME!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOAHHHHHHH!!" And so forth. I'm sure all the commuters making their tired way home from work were thrilled to have a loud, interfering distraction from their books and cell phone conversations.
The Rowes' do Boston!