JULIA: Did you know that lucky means ducky?
ETHAN: And what does ducky mean?
JULIA: It means quacky.
ETHAN: And what does quacky mean?
JULIA: It means squeaky.
ETHAN: What does squeaky mean?
JULIA: It means like a squeaky toy.
ETHAN: Like a squeaky toy, huh?
JULIA: (grinning) Yeah, and a squeaky toy is like... a... PORT-A-POTTY!
ETHAN: So what you're saying is, lucky means a port-a-potty?
JULIA: (incredulous) NOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Funny that it would be absolutely outrageous to say lucky = port-a-potty, yet it's perfectly reasonable for a squeaky toy to equate to a port-a-potty. I guess I'm just something of a dunce because I can't seem to follow her logic.
Once we returned back to Shannon's apartment, Madeleine went into her bathroom pack 'n play ("A binky cow-cow? Binky cow-cow?") and Julia began an intricate game of Little People. Since she narrated everything as if reading a book, I am luckily (port-a-pottily?) able to share the whole exciting game with you:
NARRATOR: It was Sonya Lee's first day of school. She was so excited! She was going to kindergarten.
SONYA LEE: (singing) Ooohh, I'm going to kindergarten, I'm going to kindergarten!
NARRATOR: All the rest were not singing so happily. They were at home getting ready. Some needed to fly.
SARAH AND MAGGIE: (hopping into the orange airplane.)
NARRATOR: The teacher was at the school, and the parking lot was a little one, over there. The tracks were used for balance if any babies came on. The kids walked in. (clacking sound as all the Little People walked across the coffee table.)
PRINCESS MIA (the teacher): Go find a desk, because I'm going to read some stories.
NARRATOR: "Wow! Stories!" they all said. Maggie found a desk in back that was just her size. The other two sat right next to her. Then Grandmother and Grandfather sat right in front of them.
(At this point, Princess Mia read "Dora's Halloween Adventure" to all the kids):

Princess Mia leads her kindergarten class of wildly varying ages
PRINCESS MIA: (after the book): Okay, kids. Now you can figure out what you wanna draw.
NARRATOR: They went over, and they drawed with markers (Sarah and Madeleine), they drawed with pencils (Grandma and Grandpa), and they drawed with crayons (Sonya Lee, Pilot Paula, and Maggie.)
PRINESS MIA: Great job drawing. Now it's outside time!
NARRATOR: They all RAN to the door. And then it was go home time.
PRINCESS MIA: Bye, everyone!
SARAH: Hey, guys, am I going to your house, or to my house?
SARAH: Your house? Okay.
BABY MADELEINE: (getting into the helicopter) Hewwicopter!
The others hopped into the orange plane and were off, happily flying home after their first day of school.
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