I gotta hand it to Julia; that face absolutely screams "love."
When Ethan and I returned home from dinner, Julia was happily chatting away to Auntie Caitlyn on Skype, while Madeleine had been put to bed in her "bedroom" (the bathroom which adjoins the room the rest of us Rowes are sleeping in.) I think she was a little too overstimulated after a fun evening out with her auntie, however, because when I peeked in at her I found her standing up in her pack 'n play, putting Cowie into the shower stall and dancing him around in there. Needless to say, both girls were up nearly as late as the adults, but on the positive side, they both also slept past 8:00 this morning.
Today we've been enjoying the lovely weather, spending the morning at a nearby playground and then going for a swim in Auntie Shannon's pool before lunch. The girls have also spent some time exercising their creative powers as well, with Julia acting out the character of "Weird Girl," which, luckily, Ethan managed to catch on video:
We're on our way to enjoy a picnic dinner at the park and maybe do a little night-swimming before bed; one thing is for certain - the girls will be going to bed MUCH earlier this evening, whether Cowie and Weird Girl like it or not!
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