Sunday, March 27, 2011

Baby Gaga

Madeleine is quite the nurturing Mommy today, taking good care of Baby Gaga (aka Baby Julia; can you guess which child came up with which name?) Here she is getting ready to take Baby Gaga for a walk in a shopping carry-cart:

Baby Gaga must not have been happy with this arrangement, because Madeleine then stopped and cried, "Uh-oh! Happoon? Baby Gaga!" Here she is pausing to check on Baby Gaga and see what happooned:

She then picked up the baby and rocked her back and forth, whispering "Shh! Shh!":

I'm assuming Baby Gaga's problem turned out to be hunger, because the next thing Madeleine did was break up a tortilla chip that she found on the floor into little pieces and "feed" them to the baby:

And finally, Madeleine caringly laid her baby down on the art table to join the My Little Ponies and other toys in their bedtime. "Nigh-nigh!" Madeleine called to Baby Gaga as she put her to bed:

1 comment:

  1. Aw, so sweet! What a good mommy! Love Yiayia
