Saturday, June 26, 2010


Julia has taken an adventurous leap from her usual "one little braid" hairstyle that she instructs me to create every single day. The past few days, thanks to the hot weather, she has requested a "big ponytail," or "an underbraid." What is an underbraid, you might wonder? It is what the rest of the world would simply call a braid:

Julia insists, however, that this style is called an underbraid, despite my attempts to explain otherwise. "No, no, Mama, it's an UNDERbraid because it goes UNDER the back of my head."

And another picture for your viewing pleasure. Madeleine had crawled off into the living room (aka the "toy room" - we no longer have delusions that our living room is actually used for adult recreation anymore) while I was getting ready to go out to dinner for Ethan's birthday last night. When I poked my head in to make sure she wasn't getting into too much mischief, I found her doing exactly what any parent would expect to see their child doing: sitting in a drum, sucking on a tennis ball, happy as a clam. I mean, really, who wouldn't be? What more comfortable place to put your bum than a frame drum, and what more pleasant thing in your mouth than an old, well-used tennis ball?

And finally, some quotes from Julia to finish off this post.

#1 (in reference to the fact that we have one last chapter of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory before we've finished the book.)

ME: Julia, how do you think Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is going to end??

I am stunned by her powers of deductive reasoning.

(overheard while Julia was playing with her Disney princess reusable stickers and having them "converse")

JULIA: 'Oh, oh, oh, it's me,' said Ariel, shining with twinkly eyes, delighted. 'Not me,' said Snow White shyly.

And I leave you with this one.

"Mama, Baby Dashiell loooves French booty."


  1. Oh my....french booty?

  2. That little honey sitting in the drum. I just want to eat her up.

    And is Julia a little Courtney Elf or what?!
