Monday, June 28, 2010

Cranky-pants and Julia's favorite things

Madeleine has been a fussy, cranky mess today (teething? the miserable heat? tired from not napping well? all of the above?), and while I had to deal with it most of the day, Ethan got his fair share this evening when I had to go out to a chiropractic appointment. This was just before dinner, so he was also trying to get everything prepared to cook, and the usual trick of putting Madeleine in the kitchen in her high chair and entertaining her while he cooked didn't do the trick. Julia wisely informed him that when she wants to have a quiet dinner with no interruptions, she just puts Baby Dashiell in her crib, and so Daddy should try just putting Madeleine in her crib so that the rest of us could have a quiet dinner. She repeated this to me when I returned home, this time with the assurance, "That's what I do ALL the time, Mama. I really do."

Julia has also been something of a cranky, fussy mess today, and again, I think the fact that we had a dangerous heat advisory in effect today has something to do with all our moods. However, we did get to go to one of her favorite places TWICE today - Rosemary Pool! (where she got to wear her "wet bathing suit," meaning the wetsuit with SPF-50 that I recently bought her.) She started swim lessons in the morning, and then I took the girls there for free swim in the afternoon, which put a temporary damper on the cranky-cranks. Speaking of Julia's favorite places, she informed me last night of all her very favorite places to go: "Playtime Village, Creative Movement, Yia-yia's house, Vermont, Texas, The Museum of Science..." After a few minutes she remembered Rosemary Pool and "Aniesani Park" (aka Artesani Park.) And this evening I asked her what her very favorite food of all is, to which she replied, delightedly, "EVERYTHING!" Hmmm. Methinks she is not being quite truthful there. But hey, it's a good answer, I've got to admit...

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