Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Questions and more

Last night when I went into Julia's room to check on her, I found she was still awake, obviously lying in bed with her mind racing. As soon as she saw me, she asked me, "Mama? Was it at Adam and Kelly's wedding that I slept in that bed? Mmm-hmm? Was it?" I love how she just assumes that I can see whatever image is in her memory and answer her question accordingly. In an attempt to get a sense of what bed was in that brain of hers, I asked, "You mean when you were in the little bed, and Daddy was on the floor, and I was in the other little bed?" After she affirmed, I told her that it was indeed Adam and Kelly's wedding. Thinking I had given her the peace of mind that one gets when identifying an elusive memory, I got ready to leave, but clearly Julia wasn't done thinking about the wedding. She followed by asking me, "And where were they?" I explained that Adam and Kelly got married in Vermont, and that they are still living in Vermont now. Obviously, I misunderstood her question. "No, but where WERE Adam and Kelly?" she persisted. I then explained that Adam and Kelly were sleeping in different rooms from the one we were in. "And what room was it?" she wanted to know. Just as I was not able to see the mental picture of the bed inside her head, I unfortunately was similarly unable to psychically see the rooms that Adam and Kelly slept in, having never physically witnessed them. I relayed this to Julia, who then must have switched mental gears, because her response was, "And Mama, there was another one with a ponytail. And Kelly was wearing a bun." "Yes, she was, you're right," I replied. "Why was she?" Julia wanted to know. (Again, she clearly thinks I'm some sort of omniscient presence that knows and understands the thought processes in everyone else's mind.) "I guess that's just what she decided to wear," I answered. Not satisfying enough, I suppose, because Julia proceeded to ask me, "And Mama? Does she wear braids sometimes too?" I assured her that Kelly probably has worn braids before, then high-tailed it out of there with a quick, "Good-night, honey! I love you!" before she could start cycling through all the other hairstyles she could think of...

This morning when I woke up, I came downstairs to find not a series of questions from Julia, but a sentence that shows just how many colloquialisms have crept into her speech lately: "Mama, Madeleine was, like, TOTALLY freaking out, so I gave her some Cheerios." What, is Julia, like, totally a teenager now? And now I'm a little dismayed thinking I must, like, totally talk like that, because I know that, like, Ethan totally doesn't, so she probably picked it up from hearing me!

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