Friday, June 4, 2010

Breakfast conversation

JULIA: Mama, what are those yellow things and those white things in your cereal?
ME: Well, these are oats, and these are corn flakes.
JULIA: But what are those white things?
ME: That's milk.
JULIA: No, THOSE white things.
ME: Those are almonds. They're a kind of nut.
JULIA: Am I allergic to nuts?
ME: No, you're not.
JULIA: Why am't I?
ME: You're not.
JULIA: Why am't I? (concentrating very hard) Why am'''T I?
ME: Why AREN'T you?
JULIA: Yeah. Why am I not?
ME: Most people are not allergic to nuts. Only a few people are. But you have other allergies. You're allergic to tree pollen. Do you know what I'm allergic to?
JULIA: What?
ME: Well, I'm allergic to some animals.
JULIA: Clara, and Halie, and cats!
ME: Yes, I'm allergic to dogs and cats. And what kind of food am I allergic to?
JULIA: Mmmm, are you allergic to nuts?
ME: Nope. What kind of food can I not have because I'm allergic to it?
JULIA: Um, Mama, what letter does it begin with?
ME: M.
JULIA: M... m-m-m... uh, I don't know.
ME: What did I pour in my cereal?
JULIA: Rice milk!
ME: Why do I use rice milk instead of regular milk?
JULIA: Because ya do!
ME: Why can't I have regular milk?
JULIA: Because ya can't!
ME: What would happen if I drank regular milk?
JULIA: You would get sick!
ME: Why?
JULIA: Because... you would!
ME: Because I'm a- (pausing to see if she'll finish the word.)
JULIA: Blank look.
ME: I'm aller- (pausing)
JULIA: Allergic!
ME: Yes! I'm allergic to milk. And I'm allergic to pollen, and to dust.
JULIA: Why to dust?
ME: Well, a lot of people are allergic to dust. Daddy is allergic to dust, too.
JULIA: Mama? Does "d" begin with dust?
ME: Yes it does! (Close enough...)

1 comment:

  1. look out world - julia is going to take over soon enough with those smarts!
