Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Message for the President

Madeleine asked me if she can send this to the President.  If anyone has in an in at the White House, let me know, because I'm sure he'd personally take the time to read it.

Hi world. My name is Madeleine Rowe, and I am here to demand change. I’ve noticed that our planet, especially the United States of America, is going through a lot of hard times recently, and even right now. So can everybody please just dial back on the hate already?
First of all, I find it undeniably unfair to be treating people differently because of their race or the color of their skin. If you think about it, the United States literally had a whole war over a color. Why? What’s wrong with a certain color? Don’t tell me about the meanings behind the colors, because humans came up with those, and that means they’re not the real meanings of them. Humans weren’t even the first living beings to walk this planet. But since we are human beings, and we’re walking right now, how about we make our world be actually equal? We are all the same species, so why can’t we act better than animals?
I would also like to inform this planet that another need for change still rises upon us. A climate change. Scientists have given the exact information we need to know that climate change is real, and we need to cool temperatures down if the human race is going to survive for a long time. And I am completely, one-hundred percent sure that scientists are made up of all different parties. So can we please listen to them and try to at least create less plastic waste?
I know there are plenty more changes in the world that need to be made. But for now, that is all I am writing in this to say. So please, listen to me. Listen to the world. What does the world want? Make that change.

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