Sunday, July 5, 2020

Hamilton Viewing

Yesterday, the girls and I settled in to watch Hamilton on film:

Julia and I went to see Hamilton onstage in Boston a few years back, but Madeleine has never seen nor listened to it.  Let me tell you: it was a HIT with her! 

Clapping with delight after each song, Madeleine really lived up to her virtual audience potential.

Here are some highlights of the viewing:

MADELEINE: (anytime King George came on) Oh, good!  It's the creepy king!  I *love* the creepy king!


LAFAYETTE AND HAMILTON: Immigrants: we get the job done!
JULIA: One time in elementary school, at recess, me and Lily were doing that part, and we missed each other's hands like five hundred times.


ME: This Eliza Schuyler is a lot better than the Eliza we saw, huh, Julia?
MADELEINE: Wait - it's not the same people?!?

Oh, yeah, no biggie, Lin-Manuel Miranda and the original cast are just permanent fixtures at every performance.


ME: So, Madeleine, what was your favorite part?

Oh, that part.  Got it.


ME: Madeleine, can you believe you used to think you hated Hamilton?
ME: Turns out you're really into it!
MADELEINE: Yeah.  Well, I guess fourth grade is just the HAMILTON grade.

I'd like to point out that she's technically a fifth grader now, but whatevs.

Anyway, I'm glad it was enjoyed so thoroughly by both girls, although Madeleine has made a promise: "I really LIKED it, but I'm not gonna be like Julia and get, like, all OBSESSED with Hamilton."

That's a relief, because if there's anything we don't need, it's yet ANOTHER obsession for Madeleine.  I'm barely keeping up with her, between Harry Potter, The Dark Crystal, Keeper of the Lost Cities, and her own creation, Founder of the Timeline Barrier!

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