Monday, July 13, 2020

Drawing and Role-Playing

Ethan introduced the members of the Rowe Household to an online game called Drawasaurus.  It's pretty much just Pictionary, without teams.  Instead, players accumulate individual points based on how many correct pictures they can guess.  We four Rowes were all able to play a game together from our own cell phones or computers.

In order to play together, we had to create a private room and then join, under our self-appointed Nicknames.  I mistook "Choose a Nickname" for "Choose a Nickname for the Drawasaurus App" and so I typed in Drawasaurus.  Then I was in a Private Room with my family and these were our names:


Whoops.  Turns out it's not even an app anyway, just a website you can go to to play.  But I couldn't figure out how to change my name so I was stuck being Drawasaurus the whole time.  Perhaps the most amusing moment of the game was when I chose the word "drawing" to draw.  At the end, when the site revealed the answer, the top of the screen said: "Drawasaurus Is Drawing Drawing!"

Drawasaurus as a name came in handy when Madeleine designed a mandated family Role-Playing Game.  She even sent us a Google Form to fill out before the game began.  We had to create a character and enter a Code Name for our Character.  Mine was, OBVS, Drawasaurus.  This evening I got to join Serenity (Code Name "Interstellar"), Cadence (No Code Name), and Special Daddybot (Code Name Unclear, but the actor role-playing as Special Daddybot referred to himself as "Tony the Pirate.")

Madeleine decided that a part of the adventure our characters would embark upon would be finding four keys, hidden around the house or yard.

MADELEINE: So, I'll make the keys, and hide them, and then we'll have to wait, like, THREE days while I *force* myself to forget where I-
ME: Why don't we each just hide one and we can look for any key but the one we hid?
MADELEINE: (brightly) Oh!  Yeah, let's do that!

Madeleine made the keys this evening, so we LUCKY DUCKS got to role play this evening!

Madeleine was ALL-IN with her character.  While Tony the Pirate, Cadence and Drawasaurus sat around shooting the breeze, Interstellar was hiding around doorways and performing martial arts moves.  The rest of us rookies weren't really sure how to proceed in this game without its creator, so we finally managed to get Interstellar to join forces with us.  Our problem, laid out for us by Madeleine before she turned into Interstellar, was that there were certain objects being touched that then disappeared.  Or the person who touched them disappeared.  There were varying interpretations on this, but either way, we needed to SOLVE THAT PROBLEM!  Part of the problem also seemed to be the fact that some sort of invisible object on the fireplace was blocked off by four chairs, so we couldn't access the invisible object and use it for some unknown purpose.

Interstellar did not offer up any solutions for these problems, so I thought maybe I'd kick-start the action a little bit.

DRAWASAURUS: I have a feeling that we need to find FOUR KEYS in order to get past those chairs!

Madeleine was not a fan of my cutting to the chase, but it was too late, I'd spoken up, so before I knew it, we were hunting around the house for four cardboard keys cut out of an old granola bar box.

It took a long time for us to find them and we had to give increasingly more obvious clues to each other until they were finally all located.  Then we used the keys to unlock the chairs, and we were FACE TO FACE with the invisible thing on the fireplace.  I'm not really sure what the thing was.  Interstellar did not make that clear.  All I know is that we needed to find some way to vanquish the thing.  Interstellar first tried dragging an asteroid down from space and throwing it at the thing.  Next she tried pulling a black hole out of space, but that didn't work either.  Tony the Pirate tried sitting on it and burned his butt cheeks and he and Cadence went off to sit down and make jokes and get into shenanigans while ignoring this whole VERY SERIOUS MATTER.  So I, Drawasaurus, took matters into my OWN hands and used my musical powers (which weren't allowed to be real magical powers, even though Interstellar and Tony the Pirate were allowed to have magical powers) and sang to the invisible thing.  Whatever the thing was, it was gone when I was done singing, and I SAVED THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel so seriously super accomplished now.  DRAWASAURUS OUT.

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