Saturday, July 18, 2020

Reading "Renegades"

Madeleine asked for a snuggle while she was reading this evening.  I slid next to her in her bed as she was reading the book "Renegades."

MADELEINE: Mommy, you know what BUGS me about this book?
ME: What?
MADELEINE: Like, everybody's NAME, like, MATCHES their ability.
ME: Oh yeah?
MADELEINE: Yeah.  Like, "Red Assassin" is Ruby: well, her grandmother was a jeweler, or something, so everyone in her family is named for jewels, like she has a sister named Emerald, but, like, all the jewels were stolen, and there were only rubies left, so she just picked up the rubies and ATE them-
ME: Did she poop them out?
MADELEINE: No.  And, like, "Queen Bee" is named Honey.
ME: Yeah, I can see how that's a little annoying.
MADELEINE: And "Captain Chromium" is Hyoog, and, like, "hyoog" sounds like "HUGE"-
ME: Where does it say Hyoog?
MADELEINE: (pointing to "Hugh Everhart")
ME: That's "HYOO."
MADELEINE: (indignantly stunned) WHAT?!?
ME: It's pronounced "Hyoo."
MADELEINE: It IS?  But I've HEARD of "HYOOG" before.
ME: No, honey, Hyoog is not a name.

I mean, maybe it is, but if it is, I've certainly never heard of it.  Maybe she's thinking of Hugh Grant, whose name *might* sound like "Hyoog" when eliding it with his last name?

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