Monday, July 20, 2020

More Musical Escapades

So, living in a household with FOUR musicians means hearing a LOT of musical practicing.  At any given time you might hear someone singing, playing the piano, playing the flute, singing WHILE playing the piano, playing the flute while someone else plays the piano, and so on.  Some days both girls decide to practice their flutes at the same time, in their own rooms, and I get to hear this:

I wouldn't change it for the world, as cacophonous as it can sometimes get. Without everyone's efforts to practice, we wouldn't get put small ensemble pieces together while we're social distancing from the rest of the musical world.

This weekend, Ethan, Julia and I attempted to make a recording of the only remaining not-yet-videoed movement from the Handel Triosonata we've been working on.  At first, I had Madeleine holding the camera, but Julia just COULD. NOT. HANDLE. IT.

ETHAN, JULIA AND I: (performing our music)
ETHAN: Wait, stop. We're off.
JULIA: (snapping at Madeleine) Madeleine, can you STOP doing the thing where you MOVE THE CAMERA ALL AROUND?
ME: She's just trying to make sure she shows all of us on the video.
JULIA: Well, it's too DISTRACTING and it's making me MESS UP.


I put the camera tripod over the rung of a chair instead.  You can see how well that worked as you watch the video below.  At least the sound remained consistent!

Nothing the world needs more than a video of feet set to music, right?

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