Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Madeleine Quotes

Recent memorable conversations with Madeleine

1.) In the car on our way home from a swim meet on Saturday

MADELEINE: Daddy?  Which do you think is more important?  Body heat, or the pursuit of HAPPINESS?

2.) Saying good-bye to her friend as we left a play-date.

FRIEND: See you tomorrow!
MADELEINE: See you tomorrow, unless you die!
ME: (to the dad, who I have met only once before, briefly) Uh...wow. Sorry.  On that note...uh, thank you, see you later!

3.) Talking about upcoming exciting events

MADELEINE: Mommy?  Whenever there's, like, an important event come up, in the weeks before it, I just tell myself, "Don't get sick, don't get sick, don't get sick."
ME: Were you thinking that about the Insect Fair today?
MADELEINE: Yeah.  And also about Thanksgiving.  Because the really FUN part about Thanksgiving is LITERALLY pigging out.  So if you get sick and you're throwing up, you can't eat all the yummy food.  And I'm just like, TUUUUURKEY!  COOOOOKIES!
JULIA: Not pie?
ME: (turning to Julia) Does she think there's gonna be cookies?
JULIA: (shrugging)
ME: I hope she knows there won't be cookies.

Keep on keepin' it fresh, Madeleine.

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