Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Imagicknation Lesson

MADELEINE: (staring at Julia) Who would like an Imagicknation lesson?
JULIA: Not me.
MADELEINE: It's really fun!  You-
JULIA: Madeleine, no, I have to do homework and-
ME: I'll do it, Madeleine.

THAT'S how you take one for the team.

My lesson was on "Self-Surprises."  Madeleine talked about self-surprises with me, then gave me a homework exercise to fill out.  The first page detailed a scenario, including guidelines towards how to fully realize my self-surprise:

Next, I had to fill out answers on a worksheet, complete with a "because":

This was *exactly* how I wanted to spend my afternoon.

 I dutifully took the time to fill out an answer to each question, without neglecting the very important "because" that Professor Madeleine asked for.  I thought I did a pretty good job, all things considering, but I guess I did leave something to be desired.  Here's my grade:

Madeleine assured me that her grading system runs all the way through the letter "Z," so a C+ is actually a "really, really GOOD" grade.  But man, I wonder what you have to do to get an A in Imagicknation?!?

1 comment:

  1. I would have given you an A+ for even taking the time to fill out that Imagicknation Test!
