Sunday, November 17, 2019

Bat Mitzvah and Aftermath

Well, we had a great time at the Bat Mitzvah party last night, and we all cleaned up for it:

One of the funniest parts of the evening was a speech given by Lily's mom about Lily's idiosyncracies as a child, including Lily's desire to have a birthday party at the library with a Moses cake.

As I drove the girls to swim this evening, we laughed about that story.

JULIA: What would a Moses cake even look like??
ME: Uh...I don't really know.
MADELEINE: What's a Moses cake?
JULIA: A cake with Moses on it.
MADELEINE: Wasn't Moses, like, a musician or something?

Uh, glad those Sunday School classes are paying off, Madeleine.

ME: Honey.  Moses?  You know? He parted the Red Sea?  Wrote the 10 Commandments?
MADELENIE: (staring at me blankly)
ME: He's in the Bible?

We had reached the Y by this point and were entering the building entrance.

ME: (laughing to myself) "Wasn't Moses a musician..."
MADELEINE: I thought he was!
JULIA: That's MOZART, Madeleine.

Oh Good Lord.  Not only am I failing my child in her knowledge of Biblical characters, but I'm failing her in her knowledge of classical musicians as well.  At least Julia knows what's what!