Saturday, November 16, 2019

Bat Mitzvah Ceremony

This morning, we got to attend the Bat Mitzvah ceremony of dear friend and faithful blog reader, Lily.  I am the only one from the Rowe household who has been to a Bat Mitzvah before, so for the other 3 Rowes, this was a totally new experience.  We discussed our thoughts about the event on our drive home.

JULIA: That was not at all what I expected Temple to be like.
ME: It wasn't?
JULIA: It didn't look as fancy as I expected.
ETHAN: Wasn't it really nice how much natural light they had?
JULIA: Yeah!
ME: I bet the cantor sings opera outside of Temple.
ETHAN: Oh, yeah, I'm sure he does.
JULIA: That was not at all what I expected Temple to be like.
ME: Didn't you already just say that?
JULIA: NO, I mean, like, the SERVICE.
ME: What did you expect it to be like?
JULIA: I dunno, like, all my FRIENDS who are Jewish say that Temple is so boring and it just drones on and on in Hindi.
ME: In Hindi?!?
JULIA: NO!  I mean!  In Hebrew.
ME: I mean, there are Hindu temples.
JULIA: I messed up because we're learning about Hindu in social studies.

I can see why she made that mistake, because it's not like we were JUST at a Jewish Temple with a service predominantly in Hebrew for the past 3 hours or anything.

Tonight we'll attend Lily's Bat Mitzvah celebration, and maybe Julia can request some Bollywood music to go along with the Hindi we heard at Temple.

Mazel Tov, Lily!!

1 comment:

  1. Tov Meod girls. Now you know where our religion came from!
