Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Kids Run a 5K

Every year since its inauguration 6 years ago, I have run a 5K road race that my friend put together as a fundraiser for Alzheimer's research.  This year, for the first time, the girls ran too!

Given that this was their first time running a race longer than one mile, the girls understandably had some concerns and questions.  Julia, however, decided to go all Worst-Case-Scenario with her worries.

ME: Okay, do you girls have any questions about how the race works?
JULIA: Yeah.  What if I get dehydrated and PASS out?
ME: You won't.  They have a water station on the course
JULIA: What if somebody PUNCHES me in the FACE?
ME: Um...they won't.
JULIA: What if I pass out and DIE?

Our Q and A session started to feel a bit unproductive.

As it turned out, their worries were for naught.  Julia managed to run the whole thing without issue.  She finished in 26:50, at an average of 8:38 mile pace, which is pretty darn respectable.  Madeleine did a run/walk combo, but when I saw her at the final hill leading up to the finish, she was running energetically, not in the least discouraged by the incline.  Here she is at the finish line!:

I have to say, I am pretty impressed with these two first-time 5K runners!

ME: I can't believe you girls ran 3 miles!
ME: Right, you did more than 3 miles.  You did 3.1!
MADELEINE: No, we did FIVE!  Five miles!

I had to burst her bubble and explain what 5K means.

Regardless of the distance, I'm proud of them for trying something new, despite their nerves, and making it to the finish.  Madeleine, however, appears to be less impressed with me.  This afternoon, Ethan did a treadmill run while the girls had a swim workout. 

ME: So Daddy ran on the treadmill, you girls swam, and I sat on my butt and played games on my phone.  I was like, I already ran today, I'm gonna be lazy.
MADELEINE: Yeah.  Mommy.  We ran the SAME amount as YOU this morning, and WE did a workout and you did NOTHING?!?

Ugh, I'm such an underachiever.  Good thing I always have Madeleine to tell me like it is!

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