Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Awkward Grade

Walking home from school with Madeleine, we chatted about friends, classroom behavior, and the general elements of school.

ME: And you're behaving in class, right?
MADELEINE: (solemnly) Yes.
ME: I figured.  I just know that some of the kids in your class can get wild, so I wanted to make sure you're not getting pulled into that.
MADELEINE: (as if stating the obvious to an outright dolt) Mommy.  It's FOURTH GRADE.  Besides, everybody knows that's the AWKWARD grade.'re getting HORMONES.'s close to FIFTH GRADE.  And FIFTH GRADE is the worry grade.  Sixth grade is the ADJUSTING grade.  Third grade is the STRESSED OUT grade because you're in the upper level classrooms for the first time.

Oh, okay, well now I get it.  Those pesky hormones making fourth grade so awkward, right before you're about to enter the Worry Grade.  I can't believe I was such an ignoramus about something that EVERYBODY knows.

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