Sunday, March 17, 2019

Noise Putty

I was sitting upstairs ironing my dress for church when I heard a series of ripe, juicy flatulence explosions coming from down in the play room.

ME: (calling out) Who's making fart sounds?
JULIA: (giggling) It's Madeleine's Putty!
ME: And you're making toot sounds with it?  On purpose?
JULIA: Yeah.  It's Noise Putty!
ME: So it's supposed to sound like farts?
JULIA: Yeah!  Mommy, listen, I can do a really good one!


Wow, that's really great, Jules.

ME: Are you doing it??
JULIA: It's not coming out!  Hang on!

She pursued her endeavor to make a notably resonant fart eruption, and eventually I could hear the crackling vibrations resounding from downstairs.

JULIA: Did you hear it, Mommy?
ME: Yup.  Good job.

Fart sounds continued as I got ready for church.

MADELEINE: (joyfully) It's DISGUSTING, but it's FUN!!

Whatever brings you happiness, kids.

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