Friday, March 22, 2019

Mixed Bag of a Day

Today was an exciting day for one kid and a crushing one for the other.  Let's start with Julia: she has been counting down the days until the New England Championships, SO excited to have qualified in three swim events, planning to wear her expensive new tech suit, and thoroughly pumped up waiting for the big day.  This poor kid got diagnosed with the flu today, and won't be able to swim in tomorrow's championships after all.  I'm truly heart-broken for her.  Watching her eyes fill with tears as the doctor told her she would have to stay home from the meet was devastating for ME: seeing my child so deeply disappointed and without any way for me to make things better was the worst feeling I could imagine.

Meanwhile, for Madeleine, it was the long-awaited day of her Third Grade Assembly.  Thanks to her pop quiz yesterday, I knew she needed to go to school dressed in a red top, so I helped her pick an outfit out and do her hair in her requested hair style (a bun.)  She also painted her nails but decided to forgo the excessive jewelry she had worn for her Second Grade Assembly.  Third graders are obviously more mature and less showy than second graders.

Each class performed an interpretive dance on a theme.  Madeleine's class (as I came to learn from taking the pop quiz yesterday) danced on the theme of Perseverance.  I loved watching them perform!  I mean, who knew Madeleine could be graceful?!? I had never seen her dance without flailing wildly and donkey kick-spinning about in the air, but I thought she was able to pull off fluidity pretty nicely!

At the end of the assembly, all three classes sang Miley Cyrus's "The Climb."  Madeleine, as you know if you read yesterday's post, is not a fan of Miley's voice.  Unfortunately the third graders weren't quite able to drown it out, but they still sang with some serious exuberance:

Bravo, Third Grade!  I sure needed those peaceful performances to help calm me down after feeling so distraught for Julia.  I am so proud of both my girls; of Madeleine putting her 100% effort into her class production, and of Julia to be so mature and understanding of the fact that she needs to skip her meet, despite her devastation. 

Wishing all you blog-readers a happy and flu-free weekend!