Saturday, March 16, 2019

Bedtime Routine

Bedtime stall fest, yet again:

JULIA: Can someone snuggle me in Room Julia?
ETHAN: I can give you a snuggle in a minute.
ME: It has to be a quick snuggle so that Daddy and I can get some time together to watch tv.

Ten minutes later, Julia was on her knees writing down dates on her wall calendar, not nearly ready for bed.

ETHAN: Okay, Jules, can the snuggles start soon?
JULIA: Oh!  Wait.  I have to brush my TEETH and do my ROUTINE.
ME: Can you just do the snuggles first and then do your routine?

Nope.  She couldn't.

Ten minutes later, Ethan was still waiting, while Julia and Madeleine yapped in the hallway about Orthodox Easter.

JULIA: I remember last year when we had to share what we did over the weekend and I was like, "I celebrated Palm Sunday" and people were like, "It was EASTER this weekend, not Palm Sunday."
MADELEINE: Oh, and Julia!  Now I know what I can do!  On the day after Easter, I can tell-I can-I can tell-I can say to-I can tell-
JULIA: Okay, Madeleine. I get it.  You can tell who?
MADELEINE: I can tell my friends, "Happy Easter!" and they'll be like, "Huh?  Why are you telling me now?  Easter already happened a week ago!"  Because-
ME: Hey girls?  Can you do the routine and have this conversation at the same time?
JULIA AND MADELEINE: Oh sorry!  (scampering off to brush their teeth)

Snuggles in Room Julia have finally started a half hour after they were requested.  Now I'm awaiting tv watching in Room Courtney and Ethan so we can have our own time to unwind.

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