Monday, August 21, 2017

Telling It Like It Is

Random activity of the day:

MADELEINE: Okay, okay, everybody.  Mommy!  Start singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."  Julia: tell me how good I am at lip-syncing.
ME: (singing) Twinkle, twinkle, little star...
MADELEINE: (mouthing along)
JULIA: Uh...will I hurt your feelings?  You're not that great.

Madeleine made it her mission to redeem herself.  We even recorded her amazing lip-syncing feat on video so she could watch it and affirm her successful mouth movements:

Bravo, Madeleine!  Great improvement!

Julia had every right to give Madeleine the brutal truth about her initial lip-syncing attempt.  After all, earlier today, Julia was distraught over a picture of a girl that she was drawing.

JULIA: Mommy!  I need you!
ME: What is it?
JULIA: I didn't do a good job on this girl.
ME: Yes you did!
JULIA: She looks like a BUG.
ME: I think she looks like a girl.
JULIA: But Madeleine said it looks like a BUG.
MADELEINE: Julia!  You said, "Be HONEST."

Madeleine isn't shy about telling the hard truth to anyone.  The other day, she commented on the fact that I had just eaten a chocolate chip cookie.

MADELEINE: Mommy.  Did you eat chocolate?
ME: Yeah, I had a cookie.
MADELEINE: Mmm!  Your breath smells so good!
ME: Thanks.
MADELEINE:  Mommy?  I'm really glad you ate a cookie, be HONEST, a lot of times, your breath is...a BIT yucky.

I'm glad my girls feel a commitment to being honest.  Maybe we'll work on a little tact, though...

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