Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Kindergarten Party

While yesterday was a big day for Julia's third grade class, today was the class party for kindergaten, so Madeleine had her turn to present to the class and parents.  The party started off with the kindergarteners taking their parent around the classroom to view their portfolios of work. 

Afterwards, each kindergartener briefly presented what he or she wants to be as a grown-up.  Madeleine has wisely changed her mind from being a basketball teacher to something more suited to her skill set.  Also, if you notice her not getting up to present for several seconds, it's because she was spacing out when it was her turn and her teacher had to call her to attention.  Classic Madeleine.

After the presentation, we got to take home our child's folders full of classwork from the year, and I have greatly enjoyed perusing Madeleine's writing work.  A few of my favorite of the "On the Weekend/Vacation" responses are below.

We have the ones Madeleine put a lot of effort into writing, spelling, and drawing, like this one:

"On the weekend I went to a reahersal and a consert."

This would have been the 100th Anniversary Church Choir concert at our church.  I see she even drew the singers with our faces obscured by our black folders, up on the red-carpeted altar.  I'm not sure what Julia is doing in a diagonal plank on the picture on the bottom left, though I can definitely tell she and Madeleine are reading/using the tablet in the right-most picture.  Which is what they did, even during the performance.

We have the responses in which Madeleine clearly didn't feel like investing her full energy on coming up with an answer:

"On vacation I had a tun of play-date's went to a birthday-party, and I can't reamemder."

Don't feel like elaborating on what else you did?  Just say you can't reamemder and draw a question mark in a box!  Mix up your lower case "b" and "d" while you're at it, even though you don't ever have a problem differentiating them.  Done!  Hand it in!  Must-do work is FINISHED!

Then we have the entries that are about such completely mundane events that I can't understand why Madeleine would even want them to be representative of her weekend:

"On the weekend I went to trader-Joes with my antea's and my sister and got the good dineisor bandade's at c.v.s."

Now THAT'S worth reporting on.  Also, I appreciate the fact that Madeleine found her own alternate way to spell "auntie" that differs from Julia's evolving attempts back in first grade.

Finally, Madeleine had a recent entry about Auntie Caitlyn's wedding.  However, based on the outfits the characters are wearing in the picture, I'm pretty sure she didn't even bother to include Caitlyn or Chad in the drawing:

"On the weekend I went to a weding and a weding reahersal."

On the right, it's clearly the flower girls at the wedding.  On the left, it's Father John, me (or at least I assume, since I wore a black dress to the rehearsal, and Auntie Caitlyn was wearing white), and Madeleine (in her flowered sundress that she wore.)  Madeleine did a great job showing the weding and weding reahersal completely from her own perspective, all right.

As the school year comes to a close, I can't wait to see what kind of work the girls do in first and fourth grade next year!

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