Friday, June 10, 2016

The Spousal Quiz

I took a silly "How well do you know your spouse" quiz on facebook today.  Then I decided to see how well Madeleine knows her father.  Here are the questions and her responses:

1. He's sitting in front of the tv, what is on tv?
Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse or My Little Pony.
2. You are out to eat, what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
I don't know the kinds of salad dressing.
3. What's one food he doesn't like?
I was about to say "poop," but then I thought that it wasn't a food. 
4. You go out to eat and have a drink, what would he order to drink?
Um, I think a margarita.
5. Where did he last go to school?
I have no idea. In Vermont?
6. What's his nickname for you?
Uh, he calls me "Madeplompers."
7. If he could collect one thing, what would it be?
Money?  Wait a minute, no, Daddy's not a THEIF.
He would collect...well, if he was mad at me, he would collect Jeezy.
8. What would he eat every day if he could?
Chocolate chips.
9. What is his favorite cereal?
Cinnamon Life?
10. What would he never wear?
He would never wear....okay, this is gonna be really girly: a LOOONG dress, that had lots of PINK and PURPLE all over it, and really SWIRLY, with a petticoat under it.
11. What is his favorite sports team?
Red Sox?  I think.
12. Who will he vote for?
Ahhh, this is EASY, 'cause he already voted.  Okay.  Is, um...wait...I think...was it...did he...I can't remember...did he vote for Bernie Sanders? (seeing me shake my head.) Hillary Clinton?
13. What is something he does he wishes you wouldn't do?
Say the "s" word.
14. You bake him a cake for his birthday, what kind is it?
It would be...a vanilla chocolate swirl cake with strawberries inside and outside.
15. Did he play sports in High School?
I think so.  Football?
16. What could he spend hours doing?
Doing his work thingy.
17. What is one unique talent he has?
Talent?  His talent is being the silliest and lovingest dad in the world.

Wow.  Does Madeleine know her dad, or what?  I mean, I assume Madeleine is using the European term "football" to mean "soccer," which Ethan did play for one year in high school, and I'm assuming she means that she wouldn't actually put strawberries in his cake because he's not a huge fan of berries.  I'm also pretty sure by "Red Sox" she meant "no sports team," as Ethan doesn't do team sports mania.  But it's pretty accurate that Daddy would not like eating poop, nor would he willingly wear petticoats, and he does say the "s" word.  I will have to try this quiz on Julia later today to see if she's a little more with it than Madeleine is.

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