Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Julia's School Journal

With only two days left of school, Julia is coming home with piles of papers and projects from the school year.  Today I had the pleasure of reading through her school journal, in which each student wrote from September up through the past week. 

Some of Julia's entries were unintentionally amusing:

"My favorite holiday is Halloween because we get to dress up and we get dress."

That's what I love about Halloween, too.  Dressing up and getting dress.  I especially love when I get lots and lots of dress after I go trick-or-treating..

"Over the weekend my mom and dad when't somewhare and she wone a prize so I can have a party with Mrs. Rapp Mrs. Jeas and Mrs. Sworm."

And by "wone a prize," Julia would mean "paid money in a silent auction."  I like how she draws me receiving a gold medal.  Because forking over my money to the PTC is basically the same thing as standing on the podium and having a medal placed around my neck.


"Over the weekend I made a chocolate toffo pie.  I made it with my dad and my sister.  I also wache't a grown-up movie.  It was fun."

I like the fact that one slice of the chocolate toffo pie is bigger than Julia in this picture.  I also like the fact that Julia could spell the word "chocolate" but not "tofu."  But what I especially like is that she's watching "Pride and Preduds."  It's a movie about what the eligible men were like BEFORE they became total duds.

Another thing that was fun about reading Julia's journal entries was the ongoing evolution of her spelling of "aunt":


"I am happiest when my ontieys come over becuse it is fun and I like to wach Sabrina the Teenage Wich with them to."

Here we have all of the extraneous vowels added to the word "aunties."


"Some of my favorite people are my mom my dad my sister my ants my Yiayia..." (the list went on to include all of you beloved family members, friends, AND her teacher, so let's just say she's got a LOT of favorites!  I have chosen to crop out the specific names of friends to protect the innocent from internet exposure.)

Here we have whittled the word "aunt" down to just 3 letters!  No extraneous vowels.  (Just a missing one...)


"Over vacation I went to Treat.  I got a choklet cupcake.  My sister got a vunila one.  It was fun.  My anut also gave me a hair cut."

Now we have all the proper letters, just not in the right order.  Which makes the word unfortunately too close to the word "anus" for my comfort.


"Over the weekend I wach't my mom, aunt, and my aunt's boyfriend run a race.  And I ran a race.  It was tiering.  And I got a metel.  It was really fun!"

Ding ding ding!  We have a correct spelling!  And check out that correctly-used apostrophe!  (Well, the one in "aunt's."  There's also an unnecessary one in "wach't.")  And WOW is Julia a genius.  It really was tiering! In fact, the kids' races were tiered so that the youngest kids, running the shortest distance, ran first, then the next age group with slightly longer distance, and so on.  I can't believe she knew that, let alone how to spell it!  It's DEFINITELY not a misspelling of the word "tiring." Nope.  My kid is a ROCKET SCIENTIST.

Above all, the best thing about reading Julia's journal was the abundance of heart-warmingly sweet entries:


"Of all the things I'v been through I'v always been happy becuse my family takes good care of me so I'm veary happy."


"My favorite room in my house is my bed room becouse I get to make all the rules in my bedroom and I can relaks in my room."

I am so happy that the smallest room in the house (not counting the bathroom) is her favorite and that she feels her best in there!


"I like to play with my sister.  I like to wach movie's with my sister.  I like to sleep with my sister.  I like to be with my sister.  I love my sister."

Aww.  And also: SAM SUNG.

Speaking of sweet, Julia's First Grade Memory packet had some unexpectedly touching responses in it.  Such as:

I most remember: going on the feild trip and my mom chaperownd.

I loved chaperowning your feild trip, Julia!!


My proudest moment was: when my mom and dad and aunt came into read.

Hooray!  We make her proud!  We don't embarrass her (yet.) 

And now to switch topics entirely, here is something that Madeleine said to me yesterday:

"Mama?  I'm just reeeeally tired.  Remember, like, every night I'm trying forever and EVER to get my YAWNS out?  But I realized that I'm not very good at them anymore.  And Mama?  The other day, when we were walking up the hill, I realized that things CHANGE.  And Mama?  How come when you're a baby, the next day, you're THREE?"

I just...what??


  1. Julia should revisit her 2/24/14 entry to remind her just how much she loves being her with sister!

    Also if anyone should be embarrassed during the story reading time it should definitely be her mom, dad and auntie since she had to act like such a doofusy weirdo during it!!

    I love that she got spaced out and wrote "and get dress" for "and get candy" AOIJ{@#*OIEWHFWI#O@ she's such a little sweetheart darling.

  2. Caitlyn, that was my exact thought about her 2/24/14 entry!!!!!!


  3. At least she didn't end any of her entries "Okay well I gotta go now, my Mom's calling!"

  4. Hey, wait a minute! I do remember a lot of stories ending in "I gotta go now, my Mom's calling!" It must be a genetic thing! Hahahahaha. XO,
